Trees You Might Be Best Off Removing From Your Yard

Having trees in your yard can be lovely, or it can be a real hassle. It really depends on the type of trees you have and where they are positioned. If you just moved into a new home, or you're taking steps to develop your landscaping, it's wise to look over the trees that are present and identify them. If you discover any of the following types of trees, you should consider having them removed before they cause more trouble than they're worth.

Weeping Willows

Weeping willows look cool when you stumble upon them out in nature, and they may be fine at the back of a large lot. But in an ordinary yard, they can prove a real nuisance. Their roots are invasive, and they can grow very long, so they often interfere with your home's foundation. They may also grow into sewer lines or water lines. The long tendrils on a weeping willow also drag on the ground and can develop rot, which gives off an unpleasant odor and can attract bugs. If you contact a tree removal company and ask them to remove your weeping willow, they won't be at all surprised at the request.


Cottonwood trees are found in a lot of yards, but not because anyone intentionally planted them. Their seeds simply spread well and germinate easily. The problem is that the "fluff" surrounding those seeds, which looks like cotton, is a big allergen. So many people are allergic to cottonwood trees, and their symptoms can be pretty severe. Rather than spend the next decade in and out of allergists' offices, consider just having your cottonwood tree removed. The neighbors will probably appreciate it, too.

Bradford Pears

The Bradford pear tree became popular a few decades ago because people loved its bright, purple-red leaves. But its color is about the only thing it has going for it. These trees are quite fragile. They lose lots of branches in wind storms, and those branches can break windows and damage roofs. Bradford pears also have huge flowers that fall to the ground, make a mess, and give off a putrid odor. If this tree is towards the back of your lot, you may be able to leave it in place. But if it is up close to your home, consider removing it.

Some trees are simply better suited to yards than others. Don't hesitate to have a "bad" tree removed. 

For more info about tree removal, contact a local company. 
