How To Remove A Tree That Keeps Growing Back

Though weeds are pesky, they don't compare to the trouble you may have with a tree that keeps growing back despite your efforts to cut it down. Trees tend to be much larger and have more established root structures, which means that getting rid of them involves a different process than weed removal. Stumps left to themselves will often start new growths, and some trees easily repopulate themselves, but they can be taken care of with the right tools and some vigilance.

Remove Stumps Completely

If you can afford it, pay to have a tree removal service remove the stump of a cut tree completely. This can be a bit pricey, especially for larger trees, but it can be well worth the price, as it will stop future growths and suckers from developing.

Paint Over Stumps With Weed Killer

If you can't get rid of a stump for whatever reason, you can make this work too. However, this method only works for trees that have been freshly cut, so make sure you're prepared.

If you have a full grown or growing tree you want to kill, cut it as close to the base as possible, then quickly paint over the exposed base with weed killer. Do this as soon after the cut as possible – within a few minutes – to prevent the stump from healing over.

If you have an existing stump that continues to provide growths, it's still possible, just a bit trickier. You will need to make a fresh cut so that the trunk below the current cut is exposed, so cut at least an inch down, then apply the poison.

Girdle Trees That Spread Seeds

Unfortunately, in some cases you might deal with a certain species of tree that just doesn't want to seem to go away. Even when you kill one, others pop up. There is a way to stop this, though it will take some time and patience.

To start, girdle any trees that are currently growing. To do this, cut a ring of bark off the tree trunk at least one inch deep and a few inches high. The deeper your cut, the better. This will slowly kill the three and make it less likely to produce suckers, which can quickly spread.

Drill Into The Stump

For the extra stubborn trees, you can drill holes into a freshly cut stump. Drill at least a few inches down, then put some of your weed killer into the holes. Once this is done, apply a layer of weed killer across the whole top of the cut stump to seal the rest off.

Poison The Roots

You can try killing your tree from the bottom up if the top-down method doesn't seem to have an effect. There are different types of herbicides, so seek one that best suits your situation. For example, you may not want to use a herbicide that easily spreads through the soil if the tree you want to kill is surrounded by plants you want to keep. You may need to use multiple applications for this to be effective.

Keep The Stump In The Dark

Sometimes you can prevent a stump from growing back simply by depriving it of a necessary resource: sunlight. One effective method is to cover a freshly cut stump with a bucket so no light can get in, and the stump will slowly die. You can combine this with other methods to increase its chances of working. For example, you can also cover the stump with dirt or mulch; damp environments can promote the growth of fungi, which can start growing on a newly cut tree and kill it.

If none of these methods seem to work for you or you don't have the time to handle the problem on your own, you can contact a professional tree service, like Robert Jefferies Logging & Tree Service, to come and take care of your persistent tree for you.
